The CEO presents a meeting about The Future of Mining in the Kingdom

The CEO of Rasi Investment Group, Eng. Meshary Al-Ali, member of the National Committee for Mining and member of the Advisory Committee of the Mining Department at King Abdulaziz University, presented an introductory meeting through the Zoom program for graduates of the Saudi Technical Institute for Mining and employees of DRA Company, an introductory meeting about The Future of Mining Sector.

The meeting dealt with some of the most prominent aspects in the mining sector and the future of the mining sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the most important foreign and local investments in the mining sector, as well as the most important academic specialties and professional certificates related to the field of mining and career development.

The meeting concluded with a number of attendees’ questions and motivational and inspiring words from the CEO to the recent graduates from this important and vital sector, which is one of the pillars of the economy in the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

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