The Golden Compass Company participates in the Egypt Mining Forum

The Golden Compass Company participates in the Egypt Mining Forum – EMF

The Egyptian Mining Forum comes as a major event on the global and regional mining agenda, and according to a clear vision of the Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources for the development of mineral wealth, the journey to launch the optimal exploitation of these resources has begun in accordance with what is followed globally and increases the attraction of investments, the formation of successful partnerships and the attraction of international companies that have clearly seen what Egypt is doing serious work to develop and exploit its mineral resources.

The Golden Compass Mining Services Company participated in the Egypt Mining Forum – EMF, represented by His Excellency the CEO, Eng. Meshary Al-Ali, and a number of employees, which included a large international presence and a number of businessmen and ministers, most notably His Excellency the Saudi Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, His Excellency Bandar Al-Khorayef, and the Egyptian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, His Excellency Tariq Al-Mulla.

The CEO was also hosted on a number of news channels, most notably Al Ghad TV, Al Ekhbariya TV, and Sky News Arabia.

The Golden Compass Company is one of the largest providers of geological and mining consulting and services specialized in exploration and drilling operations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The participation of the Golden Compass Company comes within the company’s expansion plans to serve the Arab and Egyptian mining sector.

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