لقاء مشاري العلي الدهيشي - رئيس مجلس الإدارة على بلومبيرغ

Interview with Meshary AlAli AlDeheshi – Chairman of Rasi Group on Bloomberg

Engineer Meshary AlAli AlDeheshi, CEO of Golden Compass Mining Services Company, stated that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia seeks to access vital minerals used in key areas, strengthen the Saudi sector and make it more sustainable.

AlDeheshi added that Manara Company is looking to diversify the Saudi economy externally, especially in the mining sector, which is radically different from other sectors. Diversifying the economy contributes to empowering the private sector and playing a greater role in the development process away from the government role.

To watch the full interview on Bloomberg: Click here

مشاركة مجموعة راسي في مؤتمر التعدين

Rasi Investment Group participates at the Future Minerals Forum 2024

For the second year in a row, Rasi Investment Group participates at the Future Minerals Forum 2024 in Riyadh as part of two companies – Golden Compass Mining Services Company and Addaan International Trading Company.

The FMF discusses many issues related to the mining and energy sector, the most prominent challenges and how to overcome them.

We were also pleased with a generous visit from His Excellency the Deputy Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources for Mining Affairs, Eng. Khalid bin Saleh Al-Mudayfer attended the Golden Compass Mining Services Company’s stand and briefed him on its most prominent work.

The FMF included an exclusive interview on Bloomberg with the Chairman of Rasi Group, Engineer Meshary Al-Ali, and his talk about a major trend in 2025 to offer shares of the Golden Compass Mining Services Company for public subscription, and strive to be included in the TASI 50 index.

A memorandum of understanding was also signed between Rasi Investment Group and Ajlan & Brothers Holding Company during the FMF.

At the conclusion of the FMF, Engineer Meshary Al-Ali was honored by the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources, represented by Mr. Turki bin Abdul Rahman Al-Babtain – Undersecretary for Mining Development – as a strategic partner for the success of the “NUTHREE Incubator” and one of its supporters.

البوصلة الذهبية تخطط لإدراج أسهمها ببورصة السعودية في 2025

Golden Compass plans to list its shares on the Saudi Stock Exchange in 2025

Meshary Al-Ali, CEO of Golden Compass Mining Services Company, revealed his company’s intention to offer its shares for public subscription on the Saudi Stock Exchange next year.

He pointed out in an interview with Al-Sharq, on the sidelines of the third Future Minerals Forum held in the capital, Riyadh, that “Golden Compass”, which specializes in the field of mining, especially exploratory drilling, as it has more than 40 rigs, aspires to be within the “TASI 50” index. For the largest Saudi companies after being listed on the stock exchange in 2025.

Al-Ali said it is likely that the mining sector in the Kingdom will witness a qualitative leap in light of the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources granting many licenses to companies for exploration, in addition to legislation, government support, and infrastructure, in light of the great demand from foreign companies.