About Us

Rasi Investment Co. contributes in investing among several promising companies that have high revenue and effective projects with a fingerprint in the investment field.

Rasi Investment Co. starts as a small establishment of the entrepreneur engineer Meshary AlAli in 2006 then its start expanding among several investments, then with local businessmen who purchase shares by increasing capital and expanding by opening new promising companies that made good revenues such as MNA Contracting and Development Real Estate, The Golden Compass for Investment, and Addaan International Trading Company.

We will keep investing in line with the market needs and the aspirations of investors and partners in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

Rasi Investment Co. had a simple start in 2006 as a small establishment specialized in real estate development and marketing field with a limited capital, at that time the scope of real estate marketing was only in the western region, especially in Jeddah and the holy city Makkah, was the biggest factor that hindered growth in that time is the total reliance on real estate marketing and the limited supply and demand for commercial housing, buildings and land, which restricts the growth of the establishment in the early years, but later with the development of economic factors, it helped us to grow and progress again which led to increased liquidity for the group as a key resource  to invest later.

Where the following years have seen a serious and continuous work, where resulted in dedication for further growth and progress which was followed by further expansion and diversification of investments, and of course we have faced strong competition at the beginning from major global and international companies that perform the same activity in the local market, but our concern is always to identify the needs of the domestic market, which build up the confidence of investors and partners to participate, and we succeed in managing our investments and achieving better possible growth.

Today and after almost 11 years of continuous work, we promise investors that we will work with all our possibilities and resources to satisfy them and enhance confidence, and always should be the spectrum to achieve sustained profits to strengthen partnership truth which requires from our religion and our values that we set them, these principles are the foundation upon which we build our future success.

Companies and institutions continue to thrive when a strategic plan and clearly define vision and specific goals. Rasi Investment Co. aims to empower, inspire and provide strategic direction to our companies, partners, clients and employees through supportive programs and core values. Every employee in the group, starting from the CEO and founder to the employee who is taking first steps in his or her career, played a pivotal role in the implementation of this vision to turn it into reality.

We are a business run for people, by people. This is a message that Rasi Investment Co. seeking to leave a positive impact on society, achieves profits and drive growth through strategic investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Nigeria and Australia.

We intend to increase our focus in the near future in the key sectors of our business (mining and real estate development) by gradually increasing our investments in related sectors and then utilizing these funds to enter new markets and start working in the others.

In addition to high-value product categories at an operational level, our goal is to gradually move towards a new model where our companies and brands enjoy a greater degree of autonomy. We can achieve this by providing strategic guidance and specialized expertise for our companies to grow and achieve success, and then it will be possible to focus on developing marketing plans for products and brands to enhance consumer loyalty in each country.

We act in accordance with our values

We draw the ethical Principles: Sincerity, Capability and methodological principles of Innovation and Sustainability are the courses of action taken by Rasi Investment Co. , these values ​​have been our fellow from the very beginning, and we will continue to be guided by as a light has not and will never be quenched.

Our Values

For Rasi Investment Co. , values ​​are not just words on paper or some ink, it’s a work program directs our daily actions, whether at the individual, team or group level. These values remained and guide our work since the founding of the group in 2006, and these principles are:

– Fidelity.

– Affordability.

– Innovation.

– Sustainability.